Welcome to ZS6SSC - Southern Suburbs of Johannesburg Amateur Radio Club
The inaugural meeting of the Southern Suburbs Radio club was held on Thursday 14 August 1952. This meeting was well attended by 20 amateur radio operators who showed interest in forming a new club. The reasons for forming this club were varied. Some of the old timers had a yearning to start a club that would serve the radio amateurs domicile in Southern Suburbs of Johannesburg. A number of Southern Suburb Amateurs were dissatisfied with the SARL and the branches that they were members of. Despite requests by visitors to the inaugural meeting, for the persons at the meeting to remain members of the SARL and the clubs in question, it was decided by vote to go ahead and form the Southern Suburbs Radio Club. A committee was selected and voted into their first term of office. The Southern Suburbs Radio club obtained three club call signs namely ZS6SSR, ZS6SSS and ZS6SSC. Over recent times two of the call signs were dropped and we now use the ZS6SSC call sign.
The Southern Suburbs Radio Club became a very active and technologically advanced club, many of the meetings attended were of a high standard where speakers of a high calibre were invited to speak on the many aspects of Ham Radio. One interesting meeting on the then new state of the art SSTV mode was presented by two, then, young amateurs ZR6AJF and ZR6AJV. (Later to become ZS6WC). Most of the equipment used was home brewed or scrounged and not the most reliable, but the meeting was a success despite the presenters being bitten electrically by their home made equipment. In those days a lot of the Southern Suburbs Radio Club Members home brewed their equipment because of costs. Not much has changed over the years. For a period of time ZS6SSC was affiliated to ZS6HVB, but a recent decision was made to go back to our Roots and revive ZS6SSC.

What we offer
- A Club for amateurs who are dedicated to the hobby and share the same technical interests.
- A 70cm repeater will run from Platberg (Eikenhof).
- The Club will adhere to the policies of the Repeater Working Group and in the interest of all amateurs.
- A Club where activity on the amateur bands and experimenting is encouraged from the simple, but interesting art of antenna building to repeater networking, electronic kit building and beyond.
- Membership is by application, not association - as it was in the past.
- Politics, rumour mongering or egotistical attitudes will not be encouraged nor tolerated.
- Decisions will be made by consensus amongst the committee and members.